Today's goal: relax
Well yesterday was a day from hell. Ky woke me up at 8 AM (a little early for her usual time, and only 4 hours after I had gone to bed *yawn*) and had thrown up all over her bed. *yuck* So immediately upon waking I was cleaning. She ate some applesauce and a little bit of cereal and drank some water for breakfast, and all seemed fine. She acted normal, nothing came up, no by lunch I had forgotten she'd been sick and I just made her a normal lunch like Alyssa's. While we were eating, she threw up everything about 2/3 of the way through lunch. we went to change her clothes again and clean that up again. Then of course she acted normal again up till I put her down for her nap. I cleaned and cleaned and cleaned alllll day (the only break was lunch and here and there I sat down for just a few minutes, and I did take a shower while Ky was napping). The cleaning was going so well, I thought I would be done early, have some time to relax before everyone came, and even maybe actually get to my room too (I never get to my room) and maybe even unpack a few boxes in there. WELL...all that thinking was before Ky woke from nap. When she got up, she was fine, but within about 10 minutes she was throwing up. I got her all cleaned up and then we went to the basement to help Alyssa finish picking up some last things so I could vacuum the play room. Eric called in the middle of it and I ran back up stairs to get my list of things I needed him to grab for me from the grocery store, and then I went to put the ham in the oven. As I was prepping the ham, Ky was messing around with my legs and I looked down and she was throwing up again all over my feet. *ugh* So, I stopped cleaned all that up, washed my hands again and threw the ham in the oven, and then went to change her AGAIN, and then I sat down on the couch to put some new socks on my feet. As I got the first sock 1/2 way on, she began to heave again, so I had to stick my hands out to throw up so she wouldn't throw up on her clothes again and the carpet. *ewwwww* Cleaned that one up and gave her a cup to try to aim into the next round, and FINALLY went down stairs to try and finish vacuuming. While I was down here the girls went upstairs, and within a few guessed it...Alyssa yelled down to me that Ky was throwing up AGAIN! OMG Just then Eric walked in the door! LOL After I was all down vacuuming, I was upstairs again to change Ky's clothes for the umpteenth time and finally to get myself ready in a hurry with only 30 min left now till people would come. And yes, I hadn't gotten to my room yet! *sigh*
Oh well...the dinner party went well and we didn't have much trouble keeping Ky from the other kids. She was happy to just sit in mommy or daddy's lap and rest. We had no more throwing up episodes (but I had taken the water away as I suspected it was causing the problems). She did end up eating a little rice and applesauce and even a few chips and by the night even a little piece of cake. She held that down and went to bed easily and slept all throw the night. No throwing up yet today *fingers crossed* and the rest of us still feel fine *fingers double crossed*.
Soooooo on to more exciting things than sick kids....
I can't believe I didn't blog all week and haven't put up any of my previews. I'm not sure if I put up my previews up at DST or DSP. I've been so out of it this week. Let's see if I can put some previews in here now...on hello bloggerbot says it's dead - that's how I've always loaded my pictures, so I hope I can get this to work through here. It seems every month there's a new problem with updating this blog.
My new birthstone charms at DSS

Ok I got an image in here, but now this formatting is irritating me. Let me put in some of the others and I'll have to play more with the format later as Ky is just having melt downs every couple of minutes - thus this posting is taking me allll morning.
My new TWO pager templates available at PDW.
Ok, well I have a few other things I've been working on that I want to show everyone, but since this post has taken forever and my kids are now starving for lunch...I'll have to come back and play with this later to add more and fix the formatting. errr
Lata gatas.
Oh well...the dinner party went well and we didn't have much trouble keeping Ky from the other kids. She was happy to just sit in mommy or daddy's lap and rest. We had no more throwing up episodes (but I had taken the water away as I suspected it was causing the problems). She did end up eating a little rice and applesauce and even a few chips and by the night even a little piece of cake. She held that down and went to bed easily and slept all throw the night. No throwing up yet today *fingers crossed* and the rest of us still feel fine *fingers double crossed*.
Soooooo on to more exciting things than sick kids....
I can't believe I didn't blog all week and haven't put up any of my previews. I'm not sure if I put up my previews up at DST or DSP. I've been so out of it this week. Let's see if I can put some previews in here now...on hello bloggerbot says it's dead - that's how I've always loaded my pictures, so I hope I can get this to work through here. It seems every month there's a new problem with updating this blog.
My new birthstone charms at DSS

Ok I got an image in here, but now this formatting is irritating me. Let me put in some of the others and I'll have to play more with the format later as Ky is just having melt downs every couple of minutes - thus this posting is taking me allll morning.
My new TWO pager templates available at PDW.
Ok, well I have a few other things I've been working on that I want to show everyone, but since this post has taken forever and my kids are now starving for lunch...I'll have to come back and play with this later to add more and fix the formatting. errr
Lata gatas.
At 1/22/2007 1:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hope all the fingers crossed pay off! No one should have to clean or throw up that much. Poor sick baby!
Your gems look great!
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