Terrible Tuesday...on the verge of Terrible TWO
So today has been quite the DAY! I went to bed late (about 3:30) expecting to be able to sleep till about 8:30 (since DH had to be somewhere this morning). I don't remeber what time Ky woke up, but it was MUCH before 8:30. I vaguely remembered Eric saying he didn't realize it was Tuesday not Wednesday, so it didn't have to go in early afterall. He too was for whatever reason tired too, so neither of us wanted to deal with her just yet, and we hoped she would fall back to sleep. NO such luck. We tried bringing her in to lay down with us, but that didn't work either. She'd be still long enough just to let us fall back to sleep, then get up or sing, or something, to wake us back up. At one point she thought she was quite funny to JUMP on us and jumped so hard on my stomach when I was half asleep. OHHH it hurt so much and for so long. After several hours of trying to get enough sleep, Eric gave up and got up with Ky. I still didn't manage to make up any missed sleep as she or Eric would come back in the room, or SOMETHING every like 20 - 30 min. When Eric came in about noon and woke me for like the umpteenth time of the day, I just got up.
Eric informed me at one of the wakeup times that Alyssa's school called about their bus being broken down and that we'd need to pick her up today. So I had told Eric to put Ky down about 12:30 today so she'd be ready to get up by 2:30 for me to get there in time. He also said the school said if we couldn't get there in time she could go to afterschool. Well, little Miss Ky didn't fall asleep until a little after 2, so I called the school and said I won't be there in time (I was NOT going to wake her up after only 30 min of nap) so send Aly to afterschool.
I then took advantage of the couple of hours and worked on my todo list for today, and paid some bills. I got a few calls, and while I was on the phone with a good friend, Ginger, I heard Ky wake up. I went up to get her so I could get ready to go get Alyssa, and discovered that my little munchkin decided her diaper was too stinky to wait on mommy today! She had taken off her pants and poopy diaper at some point and then must have slept some with it off because the bed was also wet. There was POOOO every where! UUUUGH. I totally NEVER had any issues like this with Alyssa. When I walked in Ky said "neeky" (her word for stinky, to tell me her diaper is dirty) and was patting her behind (this is normal when her diaper is dirty - but it's USUALLY STILL ON!). I realized her behind was BARE and she was covered in NEEKY LOL
oooooh sigh..the joys of almost being two! LOL When I found Alyssa changiner her own diaper, I started potty training..but she was almost 3, not 21 months old. Though Ky is very good at telling me her diaper is dirty and doesn't care for it to stay that way very long at all (LOL), I still just don't think she's old enough or ready to start actual potty training. hmmmm
OK...well onto more boring info of the day. LOL here was my to do list for today. I had circled only 3 things to try and do today. I managed to do all of my items marked yesterday, so that turned out well. Today the plan was to make some calls and do some more cleaning, and if all that gone done, I'd try to get some scrapping in tonight.

I finished my phone calls before Ky woke up with the Neeky mess, and then after dinner we spent 2 1/2 hours (OMG...) cleaning Alyssa's room! So, again all goals for today still completed even with the lovely extras. I didn't cross off cleaning because the whole house isn't near done, but I tackled one of the two worst rooms today which was my goal. Tomorrow another room.
Well...I think I may go treat myself to a bit of scrapping tonight and maybe even a few other things I need to take care of still.....
Till next post....
Eric informed me at one of the wakeup times that Alyssa's school called about their bus being broken down and that we'd need to pick her up today. So I had told Eric to put Ky down about 12:30 today so she'd be ready to get up by 2:30 for me to get there in time. He also said the school said if we couldn't get there in time she could go to afterschool. Well, little Miss Ky didn't fall asleep until a little after 2, so I called the school and said I won't be there in time (I was NOT going to wake her up after only 30 min of nap) so send Aly to afterschool.
I then took advantage of the couple of hours and worked on my todo list for today, and paid some bills. I got a few calls, and while I was on the phone with a good friend, Ginger, I heard Ky wake up. I went up to get her so I could get ready to go get Alyssa, and discovered that my little munchkin decided her diaper was too stinky to wait on mommy today! She had taken off her pants and poopy diaper at some point and then must have slept some with it off because the bed was also wet. There was POOOO every where! UUUUGH. I totally NEVER had any issues like this with Alyssa. When I walked in Ky said "neeky" (her word for stinky, to tell me her diaper is dirty) and was patting her behind (this is normal when her diaper is dirty - but it's USUALLY STILL ON!). I realized her behind was BARE and she was covered in NEEKY LOL
oooooh sigh..the joys of almost being two! LOL When I found Alyssa changiner her own diaper, I started potty training..but she was almost 3, not 21 months old. Though Ky is very good at telling me her diaper is dirty and doesn't care for it to stay that way very long at all (LOL), I still just don't think she's old enough or ready to start actual potty training. hmmmm
OK...well onto more boring info of the day. LOL here was my to do list for today. I had circled only 3 things to try and do today. I managed to do all of my items marked yesterday, so that turned out well. Today the plan was to make some calls and do some more cleaning, and if all that gone done, I'd try to get some scrapping in tonight.

I finished my phone calls before Ky woke up with the Neeky mess, and then after dinner we spent 2 1/2 hours (OMG...) cleaning Alyssa's room! So, again all goals for today still completed even with the lovely extras. I didn't cross off cleaning because the whole house isn't near done, but I tackled one of the two worst rooms today which was my goal. Tomorrow another room.
Well...I think I may go treat myself to a bit of scrapping tonight and maybe even a few other things I need to take care of still.....
Till next post....
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