Sunday, January 14, 2007

And the winner is...

Good Afternoon!

Dh gave me his pick for a winner..I asked him to pick a number between 1 and 18 and he said

The winner is Krista!

and because I'm feeling generous and I'm so late at getting dh to pick this number, I told Alyssa to pick one too, soooo she picked #7.

which is Angela!

Congratulations to both of you ladies!

I have an email addy for Krista, need yours Angela. You can email me or PM me at DSS, so as soon as the next Snappy Scraps Collection is ready I will email or PM you both your FREE Download link! You'll probably have it before it even gets loaded to the store! :)

Thanks everyone for playing. Remember to display your blinkies proudly as I'll be on the lookout for them, and you just NEVER KNOW what I have up my sleeve for loyal blinkie displayers. hehehehe

I'm off to try and scrap TWO more pages today and finally see if I can carve out some good time for OPA today too since I should have been in New Orleans for my OPA meeting this weekend anyway. :)


  • At 1/17/2007 12:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Thanks so much Sarah! Congrats to you too!


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