Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Yes, I am still alive....

I've been working my tail off on this paper. I can't believe how much remains to be done! AGGGH. I've got 7 areas of my data collection to report on in my findings section - 3 are now done. I finished creating all the tables for the other sections now, so the written portion for each of those sections should go fairly quickly now, but I'm beat - it's 5AM!

I had hoped to get through the findings section tonight, then do the evaluation of options tomorrow and Wed complete the conclusions section and my draft presentation. I have to do my practice presentation on Wed night. Since I didn't finish the findings section tonight, and I have Ky home all day tomorrow (Eric has TWO flights so will be gone pretty much all day) I know I won't get any work done during the day and then I have class at night, so I may have to just hold on the written section and move to the evaluation of options so I can at least finish my presentation for Wed night. I can go back and finish writing after Wed and improve on my presentation before the REAL deal next Monday. Then I've still got till the 7th of May to make any final edits and additions to the paper - though I'm aiming no later than the 5th.

Well...I THINK I can get this done by the 5th, and most likely have my presentation in pretty good shape for the 1st, but I don't know how good things will be by this Wed. Hopefully it's not so bad that my professor says I'm not ready (then I'd have to wait till next semester to present and graduate!!! There is actually a guy in my group that is taking an incomplete after his practice round last week - though I think if he really had put some effort into it and WANTED badly enough to graduate now, he could sitll have done it. Oh well...not everyone is crazy like me and willing to stay up all hours of the night to do it.

OK..I'm going to bed to get a few hours of sleep before Ky wakes....sorry for the relatively boring post - just wanted to put a quickie in here to let you all know I am still alive. I'm in the final crunch now!!!


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