Saturday, April 15, 2006

Peace Offering

Still so busy here I haven't even had time to think about working on the Denim elements or even the April free kit. Geesh..I've not even been reading my usual blogs in the last several days. I did finally get all the picture proofs from last weekend online so the sorority girls can go through and make their selections.

I spent several hours at the library today working on capstone and this afternoon getting things ready to go to my parents for Ky's birthday and Easter. I just finished Ky's cake a little while ago, but am a little sad as it's not my best work and the colors are a bit odd. I doubt little miss Kyleigh will care, but you's my perfectionist issues. lol

So...this is a short post as I'm so ready to go to bed now - gotta get up in 4 hours to finish packing and leave. Posting a few pictures below as a peace offering until I get some time to do the elements and such and catch up on the blogging again. Have a great weekend and happy Easter.

Couple of pictures of Ky at the birthday party we were at last weekend - she absolutely loved this little chair, so my friend just GAVE it to her! how sweet is that?

Before my mom left the other day she trimmed the long hairs in Ky's face. This was Ky's first haircut, and these pictures were taken on her birthday (Thursday).

Before with the long hairs that get in her face.

After - all cleaned up. is the cake I just finished a bit ago for Ky's birthday.

and with that.....I'm off to bed. Happy Easter.


  • At 4/19/2006 7:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    The cake is so cute!! And your little girl is just precious!


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